Mainspring Press Sites


American Sound Recording History

Information on 78 records, cylinder records, and the early recording industry. Recent articles include:

Battle of the Speeds: LPs, 45s, and the Decline of the 78 (1939 - 1950)

Latest Editions of Edison Cylinderographies Now Available for Free Download

Piracy and Counterfeiting in the Early American Record Industry

Sales Rankings of Edison Cylinder Recording Artists (1906 - 1908)

For Adults Only: “Party” Records and Censorship in the 1930s

Harry Pace. W.E.B. DuBois, John Fletcher, and the Black Swan Saga: A New Documented History

Western Electric and the 1924 - 1925 Victor Electrical Test Pressings

James Caesar Petrillo and the American Federation of Musicians Recording Bans

Stripper in the Board Room: Winnie Garrett and Famous Records

Russian Interference: Boris Morros and the ARA Record Conspiracy

The James A. Drake Celebrity Interviews: Irving Berlin, Gus Haenschen, Artie Shaw, et al.

Mainspring Online Discographies

Free PDF downloads of Mainspring Press' award-winning discographies and cylinderographies in newly revised and expanded editions, hosted by the University of California-Santa Barbara


Other Recommended Online Discographies

The very best of the free online databases and discographies by John R. Bolig, Tim Brooks, Paul Charosh, Michael Gray, Ross Laird, John Milmo, Brian Rust, Michel Ruppli, Dick Spottswood, Christian Zwarg, and other leading experts.


The Vintage Record Playlist

Free annotated streaming site for 78-rpm and cylinder record enthusiasts


Also Hosted by Mainspring Press:

Photographs by Allan Sutton

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